The setting for family, couple and
individual therapy
Sessions with families or couples last two hours on a monthly or fortnightly basis and individual sessions last one or one and half hours with a weekly or fortnightly frequency. The sessions are all video recorded so that the team can review and reflect on them.
The interview room for families and couples is equipped with a one-way mirror to allow joint work by the team, usually only one therapist conducts sessions with the family or couple while colleagues provide comments and suggestions from behind the mirror, in some cases colleagues intervene directly.
As a rule this method of working is used only with families or couples but we have also ascertained the advantage of extending the use of the team to some phases of individual treatments, the choice of which is discussed and agreed upon with the client during the consultation phase.
For obvious reasons the therapeutic work is protected through professional confidentiality. The clients may allow us to make use of recordings for scientific and training purposes. Since our clinic is supported and backed by teaching and research activities we occasionally ask our clients to give permission to include a trainee or doctoral student on the team.